Humpday Links for February 15

Happy Post-VDay!  Once again that foolishness is behind us for another year, and we can get on with important things…once you waste some time with these links.

Priority Update:  A good man and a great Canadian writer, Spider Robinson, needs our help.  Take a moment to do what you can, and thank-you in advance.

– I’ve been skydiving before and loved it.  This guy is taking it to extremes, though.

– Wil Wheaton revealed this last week, but it bears repeating: there is a Fawkes story upcoming in The Guild comic, co-written by Wil and Felicia.  I’m running out of ways to say “squee!”…

– I wish more fans would do this for the shows they love: Fans of Sherlock create DIY marketing campaign.

– Jump in the wayback machine, it’s time for cosplay photos from Westercon 1980…oh my.

This more than anything makes me wish I lived in Texas. Almost.

Bryan Singer wants to remake the Star Trek TV series.  I’m not sure I want to let him…

– Ever been stuck in medieval times and wondered what to call the guy in charge of fences and hedges?  This list will help…

– If you’ve ever wondered where your flying car was, these guys might have the answer.

This would be the best thing ever. EVER!

– This may not be the best thing ever, but I have fond memories of Space:1999, so a new series might not be bad

These are about the only VDay cards I would accept.

– Not satisfies with making the changes, George Lucas wants us to believe they weren’t changes at all

The internet has a love song.  As is only proper.

That is all for this week!  If you have a nerdy link to share please do so.  Otherwise I will see you back here tomorrow…

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